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Education is the only way for humanity to thrive. Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has taken the lead among all its competitors in offering education through free schooling and rehabilitative support to poor and needy children, with the goal of assisting every child in obtaining an education.

Disaster Relief Programme

Most of the work is in disaster relief, and Alkhidmat volunteers are scattered across Pakistan to help. Our volunteers have always been on the front lines of relief and rescue activities in distressed situations. We did much work in Kashmir following the earthquake in 2005 and subsequently in Awaran Balochistan.

Mawakhat Programme

The Alkhidmat Muakhat programme aims to help low-income persons by providing small-scale, interest-free loans that are repayable in manageable instalments. We have success stories in Garment Manufacturing, Tailoring Shops, Hardware Stores, General Stores, Auto Rickshaw / Cart, Burger / Biryani Stalls, Bakery Shop, Online Cloth Selling, and, last but not least, Boutique.

Community Services

For years, Pakistan has faced many socioeconomic issues ranging from poverty to civic ignorance and a lack of necessities. People face severe challenges in health, education, and the economy. The country ranks 161st in the Human Development Index (HDI), and over 21% of Pakistan's population lacks basic requirements (health, education, etc.). To tackle that, Alkhidmat provides an extensive network of community services, from running food centres to providing wheelchairs to arranging economical funeral transport services.

Health Services

Alkhidmat health facilities are Pakistan's fastest-growing network. Alkhidmat has built and continues to expand its facilities for public benefit, ranging from cutting-edge Mother & Child health centres to general clinics, pharmacies, and diagnostic labs. A great example of our work is Alkhidmat Hospital in Thar.

Clean Water

Pakistan is on its way to becoming a water-stressed country, currently ranking 14th among the world's “extremely high water-risk” countries. Safe drinking water is one of Pakistan's most pressing and critical issues and must be addressed as soon as possible. Another essential Alkhidmat programme is the provision of safe, affordable water. We operate dozens of filtration facilities in various urban areas and install water pumps in remote places such as the Thar desert.

Orphan Care Programme

Unlike traditional orphanages, Alkhidmat operates a sophisticated, cutting-edge boarding school system for orphans. Many children graduated from these centres, and others went on to join the Air Force and other prestigious organisations. There are 11 Aghosh Orphan Centres, including one in Turkey for Syrian refugee children. This programme also includes the Orphan Family Support Programme, where we assist children living with their mother or a close relative. We not only help and educate children, but we also help and educate their mothers and guardians.