
Sponsor a Hafidh of Quran

Committing the Holy Quran to memory is a miracle only gifted by Allah the Almighty, one of the greatest favours given to those he has chosen.
We endeavor to provide a place where people can achieve this, and for this we have launched a new, very successful Hafidh of Quran programme which has helped numerous children memorise the Holy Book. Providing an educational facility and programme designed specifically for this purpose.
We ask that you support a child to realise this incredible position, it is also a means of endless reward for the sponsor, as the child retains the words of the Holy Book in their heart and commits it to memory, every time they recite these words, you too will gain an auspicious reward.
Our Hafidh programme, also allows children to be a part of a community and provides Islamic education that holds valuable morals, aids in their nurturing and development, as humans, and invaluable foundations for the future. Your sponsorship will raise future guardians of the Quran, ensuring its traditions of preservation live on, whilst its eternal wisdom continues to keep lighting up, hearts and minds.
Sponsor an Alim/Alima – An Ambassador of the Islamic Faith
Torchbearers and people of knowledge, wisdom, and truth.


What You Pay

Giving charity is a way to purify one's wealth and soul. Your donation not only helps those in need but also earns you countless rewards in the Hereafter

Charity does not decrease wealth (Muslim)
  • Project
  • Sponsorship for one hafiz (Complete 3 years Programme)
  • Sponsorship for one hafiz (Monthly)
  • Sponsor an Alim / Alima (Complete)
  • Sponsor an Alim / Alima (Monthly)

What You Get

You will receive a complete profile of the kid you are sponsoring, bi-annual reports on academic performance, and a chance to meet the child in person if and when you visit the country.

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Sow the Seeds of Goodness

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills"
(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:261)

The best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it.
(Bukhari, 5027)