MRI & CT Scan Machines
We hope to provide vital medical machinery to various healthcare institutions. These extremely costly pieces of equipment, provide life changing diagnosis for patients around the world and without these, sadly millions of people who are unable to afford such expensive testing, will go undiagnosed. The more we can provide, the more accessible these tests will become for the layman. We urge you to provide lifesaving equipment to people who do not have the luxury of accessing health services, with your khair and goodness, countless lives are waiting to be changed forever.
What You Pay
Giving charity is a way to purify one's wealth and soul. Your donation not only helps those in need but also earns you countless rewards in the Hereafter
Charity does not decrease wealth (Muslim)-
MRI Machine (One Share)£500
MRI Machine (Two Shares)£1,000
MRI Machine (Monthly)£40
CT Scan (One Time)£200
CT Scan (Monthly)£20