
Clean Water Project

Water is not something we think twice about using, it is so easily accessible to us, fingertips away. It is clean and safe to use and drink.
However, the reality for many across the globe could not be any more different.
Facts and figures regarding water scarcity are harrowing, but we must be the change. The first drop in an ocean of hope, for clean and safe water for everyone.
Almost one in ten people do not have clean water close to home. Unsafe water, lack of sanitation, inadequate hygiene conditions, no decent toilets, are responsible for an alarming number of deaths globally. With children being extremely vulnerable and susceptible to falling sick and dying from below par water and hygiene conditions. One child under the age of five, dies nearly every two minutes from diarrhoea and illness caused by dirty water and poor toilets. We have also learnt that contaminated water causes nearly 40% of deaths in Pakistan,
Considering that we know these alarming facts we are determined to provide safe and accessible water to every person in need.

Water Well

Our plan of action and what we have done so far?

Water scarcity impacts both remote and bustling urban regions, to tackle this we install various water infrastructures, such as water pumps, handpumps and water filtration plants, in regions such as Africa - Sierra Leone – Yemen - Gaza- Pakistan and Mauritania ensuring a consistent and reliable supply of clean drinking water sources, to all areas.
We have also been able to go the extra mile, for areas where water access is even more challenging, such as areas of mountainous terrain. Here we have implemented gravity flow schemes, which ingeniously harness natural forces to facilitate water distributions to households in those areas.
Easy access to clean water, should be every human’s basic right and every person deserves to be able to, not have to worry about the water they drink, the water they bathe in. The water they use should not make them fearful, or second guess the risk factors that could ensue with its use.
Help us make water available for everyone, today.


Water Well

The planning and construction of water wells are vital to Alkhidmat Welfare UK Welfare's noble cause of providing clean water to those in need. This critical endeavor necessitates thorough planning, professional execution, and unwavering dedication on the part of Alkhidmat's employees to develop a long-term source of clean water in neglected communities. Alkhidmat Welfare UK guarantees that poor populations have access to a lifeline of pure, uncontaminated water by building wells.


Water Filtration Plant

The process of removing unwanted chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended matter, and gases from contaminated water is known as water filtration. The goal is to provide water that is safe to drink. Water filtration plants offer people clean, safe, and healthy drinking water. They also employ the "Reverse Osmosis (RO)" method to purify water. This method is utilised in locations where below-ground water is unsuitable for human consumption, such as when it is overly saline.


Hand Pump

The Afridev Pump is a standard lever-action hand pump. It is built for heavy-duty use and can serve towns of up to 300 people. The Afridev Pump is completely corrosion-resistant, simple to install, and has good community-based maintenance potential. The design includes an "open-top" cylinder, which removes the piston without separating the rising main. The foot valve can be retracted using a fishing tool. The Deep-Well Piston hand pump is another name for this pump. Community hand pumps are appropriate for villages and families where surface sources are common, as a basic pump is all that is required for communities trying to satisfy their water needs. Suction hand pumps are inexpensive, simple to install, and easy to maintain. Maintenance is done at the village level without the need for specialist parts. The pumps are made of cast iron.


Submersible Pump

A submersible water pump operates beneath the earth’s surface. Water is pushed to the surface using a submersible water pump. Most submersible pumps are long cylinders measuring 3 to 5 inches in diameter and 2 to 4 feet long. It contains a hermetically sealed motor tightly connected to the pump's body. A hermetically sealed motor keeps water from entering the pump's motor and generating a short circuit. It also includes a cable that connects to the motor and a pipe that delivers the water to the surface. Water is then stored in neighbouring Submersible water pump tube well water storage tanks. Submersible Water Pump projects are best suited for running water pumping systems in distant places or areas with regular power outages.


Solar Submersible Pump

Pumping water is largely dependent on conventional electricity. Solar pumping systems are environmentally friendly and need little maintenance, except for buying a battery. Given the scarcity of electricity in many urban, rural, and distant areas of Pakistan, solar-powered pumps are one of the most promising applications of this type of energy. Sun pumping technology is comparable to traditional water pumping systems, such as electrical submersible water pumping, except that the energy source is the sun. Due to a power shortage, solar submersible water pumping technology is gaining popularity. Plus, the pumped water flow rate is affected by incident solar energy and the size of the PV array.


What You Pay

Giving charity is a way to purify one's wealth and soul. Your donation not only helps those in need but also earns you countless rewards in the Hereafter

Charity does not decrease wealth (Muslim)
  • Project
  • Water Filtration
  • Hand Pump
  • Submersible pump
  • Solar Submersible
  • Water Well
  • Water Well (One Share)

What You Get

You will have a plaque displaying your chosen name. This will gain the named person an honourable mention in the dua of the beneficiaries, benefiting that individual both in this world and the next.

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Sow the Seeds of Goodness

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills"
(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:261)

The best form of charity is to give someone water (to drink).
(Ibn Majah)