
Build a Masjid

The building of masjids could be seen as one of the most traditional practices of Islam, dating back to the very beginning. It is no secret that a masjid is the house of Allah, it is where good deeds are practiced, and where the teachings of Islam are bought into action.
There are countless rewards for praying salaah in the masjid, countless deeds, and countless goodness in the sight of Allah.
However, not every community has the means to provide a masjid for the Muslims in the area. Therefore, it is our duty to fulfill this need wherever we deem necessary.
A masjid acts as more than a place of worship, though that is the foundation, it is important to note that a masjid, becomes a vital part of communities, it brings them together, allows them to have a haven, have access to Islamic literature, education, scholars, teachers and guidance so that everyone can continue to teach and learn. It serves as a hub for communities so that they may come together and celebrate auspicious occasions and perform acts of worship, in blessed times.
We construct masjids for the communities and then hand them over to a capable organisation from the local community. We also rebuild old Masjids in areas where there is a critical need.
Lay the first brick today, for a building that will testify to the lives it will change tomorrow.


What You Pay

Giving charity is a way to purify one's wealth and soul. Your donation not only helps those in need but also earns you countless rewards in the Hereafter

Charity does not decrease wealth (Muslim)
  • Project
  • Masjid Construction
  • Masjid Renovation
  • Masjid Rehabilitation (One share)

What You Get

We will place a plaque with your name in a suitable and conspicuous location within the masjid.

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Sow the Seeds of Goodness

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills"
(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:261)

Whoever builds a masjid seeking the countenance (pleasure) of Allah, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.
(Bukhari & Muslim)